Roast Lamb/Beef & Veggies

Roast Lamb/Beef & Veggies

Grab a leg of lamb/beef and coat with "All Purpose Seasoning". Ensure that a good coat is given over the whole piece of meat rub lightly as you go.

Drop meat into the camp oven on coals and place coals on lid. The trick is to keep replenishing the coals after they loose there heat (turn from red to black)

Cook for about 30 to 40mins. You should see loads of juice appear. Whilst this time has elapsed prepare veggies - potatoes, sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot and whole onions. Chop into quarters.

Remove the camp oven from the coals, remove lid and empty coals off the lid. Throw in the verges around the meat and put on the lid. Don't worry if the lid is not on properly as the verges will reduce in size very quickly. Do not turn the meat during any of this process.

One important point to note is if you have your camp oven on coals near the fire, remember to keep rotating the unit so as not end up with and hot spots inside the oven. Keep repeating the process of removal and replenishment of coals. When the veggies are cooked, the meat will be cooked.

I generally remove the camp oven from the heat leaving coals on the lid, remove lid, remove meat and leave verges, replace lid. The veggies will stay warm, whilst the meat is being carved.

If you want some greens, chop up some fresh beans, throw them into a double layer of foil with a dob of butter and onto the coals about five minutes before the end. One of these packages for each person and drop onto each persons plate unwrapped. They stay hot until ready to be eaten.


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