
Showing posts from May, 2015

Solar Powered Refrigeration Cooler

The Solar-Cooler is the world’s first Portable, Solar-Powered Refrigeration Cooler. Plug into the sun, and keep your food and drinks cool. This solar powered cooler is now available for pre order but it is very new to the market. The SolarCooler retails for $1,200 USD, and they are running a pre-order special for $950 USD

Tarp Shelters

Tarp Shelters Click image to enlarge

Firewood types and qualities

WHATS THE BEST TYPE OF FIREWOOD? The answer depends to a large extent on what wood is available. For example in Western Australia, Jarrah and Wandoo are considered the best. In Tasmania, Brown Peppermint is considered best. In South Australia, Victoria and southern NSW it is generally River Red Gum. In Queensland, Ironbark and Box are preferred. It also depends on what you are using the wood for. Red Gum is excellent in a slow combustion heater but does not burn with a lot of flame, so other species are usually preferred for open fires. Some species are known to not burn well at all, Turpentine and White Stringybark being two of these. Each species has its own characteristics of burning rate, flame, coal and ash generation, which mainly relate to wood density and the chemical composition of tannins etc. Perhaps the best thing to do is to try a range of the available species and pick the most suitable, which may be a mix of quicker and slower burning species.

BioLite CampStove

The BioLite CampStove generates usable electricity for charging LED lights, mobile phones, and other personal devices. Burning only wood, the CampStove creates a smokeless campfire that can cook meals and boil water in minutes. Setup is easy, fuel is free, and flames are hyperefficient with performance on par with white gas stoves.

How to make a Solar Still

How to make a Solar Still

International Whistle Codes

International Whistle Codes ●Three blasts of the whistle is an international distress call, which is loosely translated to “Help me!” ●Two blasts of the whistle is a call-back signal which means “Come here.” ●One blast can mean “Where are you?” or it can be a call-back signal if you hear anything that sounds like a code. Each whistle blast should last 3 seconds. No matter who you are, all people going bush should a have a squeal whistle with them.

Beware of Drop Bears

A University of Tasmania study reveals that drop bears are more likely to attack tourists than people with Australian accents. Methods bushwalkers can adopt for defence include wearing forks in the hair and spreading Vegemite behind the ears or under the armpits. Be drop bear aware and stay safe!

Cryovac Machine

Todays item of the day is a cryovac machine for $127.00 Keep your prepared meals, meat and veggies fresher for longer.

Homemade Maxtrax

Homemade Maxtrax Make your own homemade Maxtrax for those boggy situations Simply cut up an old milk crate and then zip tie it together. Too Easy...

How to Clean Your Cast Iron

 How to Clean Your Cast Iron

Camp Oven Heat Bead Temps

Here is a rough guide for getting the right temperature for your camp oven if using heat beads.